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What to Consider When Choosing Your Footwear

Our feet are used every day, sometimes more than others. While they are often forgotten in regards to general health and upkeep, our feet need to be turned into a priority, and there are a few ways that you can do this that are quick, easy and nearly effortless. One of the ways that we could certainly spend more time on is choosing footwear that will allow for us to walk and run comfortably, but also provides our feet with all of the support that they need.

From athlete’s foot to flat feet, the type of shoes that you wear will make a huge difference in the general foot care that you experience and deal with. Here are a few of the things that you should consider before you go and buy a pair of new shoes.

What Will You Be Using Them For

Shoes are all made to serve a different purpose, even though it may not seem that way. When you are looking to buy a new pair of shoes, take into consideration what the sole purpose of these shoes is going to be. Are you going to be primarily running or walking in these shoes? Where shoes differ here is in the stiffness and the support that they provide. In order to ensure that your feet are comfortable and provide you with the care you need, you need to be searching for shoes that serve one sole purpose.

Know Your Arch

Arches differ from foot to foot, and that means that the shoes that you pick need to match the arch of your foot. Being aware of the condition of your foot will make the process of purchasing shoes much easier, but asking the person that is working in the department for a suggestion is another option. Settling for a pair of shoes that does not have the arch your foot needs could lead to some serious foot care issues down the road, so take a little extra time and try on shoes to ensure that any flat feet, weak arches or over arches are taken care of in your new pair of shoes.

If you’re really concerned about what type of shoe you should be wearing, your best bet might be stopping in and talking with a foot specialist to determine what types of care and precautions you need to be taking. If that is the case, schedule your appointment with Allcare Foot and Ankle Center here in Dallas and have one of our chiropodists check it out!

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