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Tips for Preventing Hammertoe

Tips for Preventing Hammertoe

You might not realize just how much you depend on your toes until a problem arises, prompting you to pay closer attention. Hammertoe is a significant deformity characterized by an involuntary bending of the middle joint of the toe, which can lead to discomfort and difficulty wearing shoes. Understanding this condition can help you take preventive measures and seek appropriate treatment when necessary.

The peculiar name of this condition becomes clear upon observation. Typically, the toe bends at the center joint, often forming an angle close to 90 degrees. This distinctive appearance closely resembles that of its namesake, making the terminology fitting.

Michael Tran, DPM, along with the team at AllCare Foot & Ankle Center, provides expert treatment for hammertoe at two accessible locations in Arlington and Dallas, Texas. Early intervention is key for effectively addressing hammertoe, so it’s advisable to schedule an appointment either by calling or booking online today.

Hammertoe 101

Though not extremely common, hammertoe affects approximately 29.5 million people in the United States, which is about 9% of the population. In Arlington and Dallas, Texas, we offer services to straighten out hammertoes and provide much-needed relief from associated pain.

Hammertoe can be influenced by various factors, including genetics, injuries, and certain medical conditions like diabetes. However, many cases are preventable, primarily by making informed choices about footwear. Hammertoe develops when the muscles and ligaments in the toe are strained, often due to improper shoe fit. 

To help prevent this condition, here are some important tips for selecting shoes that support foot health and minimize the risk of hammertoe.

Choose better shoes

Choosing the right footwear can significantly impact both your image and foot health. Though fashionable shoes can enhance your appearance, they may also contribute to foot issues if not chosen carefully. For optimal foot health, it’s important to prioritize comfort alongside style.

Shoes with a narrow toe box, such as pointed wing-tips and tight stilettos, can lead to conditions like hammertoe and other foot problems. Instead, consider opting for shoes with a square or boxy toe design. These styles provide more space for your toes, allowing for better comfort and reducing the risk of foot complications.

Choose the correct shoe size

A straightforward approach to choosing shoe sizes can lead to complications. It's important to understand the various issues associated with shoe sizes, including inconsistencies in sizing standards, the impact of different brands and styles, and how fit can vary based on individual foot characteristics.

Always measure your feet before shoe shopping for comfort.

How to choose shoes that prevent hammertoe

When aiming to prevent hammertoe, it's important to consider not only sizing but also several other contributing factors. These elements can significantly impact foot health and comfort: 

To prevent hammertoe, it's essential to care for your feet, even if you wear the perfect shoes. Ensuring good circulation is crucial for foot health. Consider soaking your feet in warm water with Epsom salts, elevating them, and treating yourself to a foot massage. These practices can help alleviate discomfort and promote overall foot wellness.

Help! I already have hammertoe

If you've discovered that you have hammertoe, several lifestyle adjustments may help reverse the condition. One of the most important steps is to evaluate and improve your footwear choices.

Additionally, custom orthotics can be designed to fit inside your shoes, providing support and realignment. For individuals with more severe cases, splints may be recommended to help straighten stubborn toes. Making these changes can contribute to better foot health and comfort.

Surgical correction may be necessary for severe cases of hammertoe. At AllCare Foot & Ankle Center, our board-certified podiatric surgeons are well-equipped to perform these procedures. With their extensive expertise, you can expect effective treatment that aims to alleviate pain and restore normal function, allowing you to get back on your feet quickly.

To get help with hammertoe and other foot problems, contact us in Arlington or Dallas by phone or make an appointment online. 

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