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Reasons to See a Foot Doctor

Your feet spend a lot of time bearing your weight and taking a beating—so it’s no surprise that people feel aches and pains in their feet and ankles from time to time. However, some aches and pains can be more serious, and might require the attention of your Arlington podiatrist.

In this blog, AllCare Foot & Ankle Center will discuss several situations when seeing a foot doctor is a good idea—whether it’s for preventative, restorative, or medical reasons. Keep an eye on your foot health, and always be sure to see a podiatrist when you think you might have a foot- or ankle-related issue!

You’re becoming a dedicated runner.

Running is an excellent form of exercise that improves your strength, muscular development, and heart health while relieving stress. However, all that fast-paced impact with the ground can cause aches and pains and do a lot of damage to your feet. If you’re starting to run regularly for the first time, you might not be aware of potential foot, ankle, and shin issues that come with the running lifestyle—so schedule an appointment with your local podiatrist to learn more.

Your podiatrist can help you deal with foot pain, shin splints, and other ailments, and help you find the right kind of running shoes for your feet. The better prepared you are before you start running, the more positive health results you’ll see from this excellent activity!

You have foot or ankle pain.

Arthritis is one of the most common ailments that affects millions of Americans every year. Swollen, red, stiff, and painful joints are often a sign of this condition—so if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms, it’s in your best interests to schedule an appointment with your foot doctor. With the right treatment and strategies, you’ll be able to preserve your joint function, suppress pain, and live your life the way you would like.

You have diabetes.

If you have diabetes, you’re at a much higher risk for foot- and ankle-related problems, which can vary from dry skin to serious, health-compromising infections. Even a small cut or bruise can have drastic effects on your body, so if you have diabetes, visit a podiatrist at least once per year and schedule an appointment if you are having any serious problems with your feet or ankles.

Heel pain is slowing you down.

Heel pain can be very severe and affect the function of your feet, legs, and lower back—not exactly ideal if you’re trying to live an active lifestyle. There are plenty of reasons why you might have persistent or extreme heel pain, including a heel spur or tendonitis. Schedule an appointment with your podiatrist if your heel pain won’t go away, as a diagnosis is the first step toward treating heel pain.

You have a painful ingrown toenail.

An ingrown toenail occurs when your toenail grows directly into the skin, which can increase your risk for infection. Toenails with redness or drainage are often a sign of an ingrown toenail—which means it’s time to visit your podiatrist. In these situations, your doctor might remove part of the toenail or prescribe medication to deal with the infection—either way, you’ll be much closer to less pain or fewer potential health problems.

You might have a sprain or broken bone.

All it takes is one awkward step to leave you with a sprained ankle, a strain, or a broken bone. If you’re feeling sharp pains and suspect damage to your foot or ankle, always meet with your podiatrist—they’ll give you a diagnosis for your injury, provide you with protective fixtures like casts to help the area heal, and make sure you’re back on your feet in no time at all.

You have a corn or callus.

If your callus or corn gets too thick, it can become extremely painful. This is one of the most common reasons people visit podiatrists in the first place—so head on down to your podiatrist’s office for pain-relieving solutions for your corns or calluses.

You have a painful bunion.

A big bump at the base of your big toe is known as a bunion—a sign that your bone or joint of your big toe is out of place. Bunions will only get worse without treatment—so schedule an appointment to find out what kinds of padding, medication, or surgery might be needed for your bunion.

Trust Your Arlington Podiatrist

If you’re concerned about your foot health, or suspect you might have an injury or infection, it’s crucial to call your podiatrists at AllCare Foot & Ankle Center. Our expert medical professionals are happy to provide top-tier services with a friendly demeanor so you can get back on your feet and live the active lifestyle you desire. Schedule an appointment today!

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