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Is Your Lifestyle Fueling Your Chronic Foot Pain?

Is Your Lifestyle Fueling Your Chronic Foot Pain?

When you have constant foot pain, it’s common to think you broke one of the 26 bones in your foot, but many other joint, muscle, ligament, or tendon conditions can cause chronic foot pain.

In addition to underlying health conditions like arthritis, diabetic nerve damage, or tendinitis, everyday lifestyle habits can fuel chronic pain in one or both of your feet.

Podiatrist Michael Tran, DPM, at AllCare Foot & Ankle Center in Arlington and Dallas, Texas, offers the following lifestyle habits that could contribute to chronic foot pain.

Wearing poorly fitting shoes

How many times have you sacrificed comfort in the name of style? Some of the most stylish shoes are the worst for your feet. Narrow toed-shoes, stilettos, and high heels can cause sore feet, bunions, blisters, and plantar fasciitis, an inflammatory condition.

Wearing the wrong type of shoe for your physical activity can also cause foot pain. For example, hiking boots offer much more support for hiking trails through the woods and can help protect you from foot injuries more than a pair of flip-flops or lightweight tennis shoes.

Not maintaining a healthy weight

Carrying extra weight puts extra pressure on your feet, and being overweight weakens the tendons and ligaments in your ankles and feet, leading to chronic foot pain or injury. Additional pressure on your feet can also lead to plantar fasciitis or flat feet, which cause foot pain while standing or walking.

Not replacing your shoes often enough

Even correctly fitting shoes designed for physical activity can cause foot problems if you wear them too long without replacing them. Shoes lose some of their arch support as they age, which can lead to arch pain in your feet, as well as contribute to hip and knee pain.

You should replace your shoes every 500 miles if you run or walk long distances. Replace all types of shoes whenever they show signs of wear-and-tear.

Not providing adequate care for your feet

You shower regularly, brush your teeth twice a day, and visit your doctor for an annual physical — but how often do you perform a foot care routine? Your feet need some attention like any other part of your body! 

Foot care includes:

Proper foot care is essential for everyone, but if you have an underlying condition like diabetes, even a tiny scratch on your feet can develop into a slow-healing wound. Take time to care for your feet daily.

When to see a doctor for chronic foot pain

Whether you’re dealing with pain when you first get out of bed in the morning, foot pain that gets worse throughout your day, or a sore that isn’t getting better, the expert podiatrists at AllCare Foot & Ankle can help.

Schedule an appointment as soon as possible if any of the following situations apply to you:

Dr. Tran performs a comprehensive exam, takes and reviews X-rays as needed, and reviews your current symptoms and medical history to develop an appropriate treatment plan for your chronic foot pain.

Don’t let chronic foot pain stop you in your tracks. Call the office nearest you, or schedule an appointment online today.

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