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How to Choose the Most Supportive Shoes for Your Feet

How to Choose the Most Supportive Shoes for Your Feet

Plantar fasciitis, ingrown toenails, and bunions are examples of foot problems that you can avoid by being conscious of the shoes you wear and how well they fit your feet. These problems can be exacerbated by natural foot problems that you don’t have much control over, like flat feet

It’s easy to favor form over function when it comes to shoes, with endless styles and evolving trends. Yet, as you get older, it’s increasingly crucial that you make foot and ankle support a priority. 

Podiatrist Michael Tran, DPM, is here to help you navigate the shoe aisle while keeping your podiatric health in mind. At AllCare Foot & Ankle Center, in Arlington and Dallas, Texas, we can teach you about the needs of your feet and what to look for in your next pair of shoes. 

The problem with heels

High heels are flattering because they lengthen your legs and lift your buttocks, but they’re far from practical. 

Aside from the discomfort you feel after walking around in them, and the increased risk of tripping and falling, high heels force your toes into the front of the shoe and upset the balance of your foot bones and muscles. 

The occasional night on the town in a pair of high heels might not put your feet at much risk, but consistently wearing them can shorten your Achilles tendon, compress your toes, and even affect your posture. This is especially true for heels higher than 2 inches. 

While shopping for good daily footwear, it’s best to avoid shoes with heels even if they’re the most flattering option. But if you absolutely must wear heels, stick to those less than 2 inches. 

The roomier, the better

We don’t want you to purchase shoes that are too big, but you should aim for shoes that fit well. If you can feel the toe of the shoe against the tip of your toe, try going up a half size. 

If you want to get technical, pull out a ruler or measuring tape and make sure you have around 6 millimeters of space between your longest toe and the toe of your shoe. 

The width of your footwear is also important. A narrow shoe can aggravate foot problems like bunions and flat feet and cause problems of its own too. If the standard shoe width feels snug, you may be able to order a wider version of the same style. 

Consider your arches

You rely on the arches of your feet to put some spring in your step. Your arches help with walking, running, and staying balanced even when standing still. Shoes with proper support accommodate the natural curvature of your soles. 

If you find shoes that fit comfortably, have a little flexibility, and give your feet plenty of space but don’t have much arch support, don’t worry. There are plenty of options for shoe inserts that give your arches extra support without compromising the fit of the shoe. 

When shopping for shoes, get a pair that serves its intended purpose without causing pain or compromising the health of your feet. To learn more about finding the right shoes for your feet, call the AllCare Foot & Ankle Center office nearest you or book your appointment online.

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