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How Often Should I Bring My Senior Parent for Nail Trims and Foot Care?

How Often Should I Bring My Senior Parent for Nail Trims and Foot Care?

As your loved ones age, the skin on their feet loses elasticity and thickness, causing them to be more prone to blisters and foot infections. Foot infections are particularly dangerous for those with diabetes or a weakened immune system.

Cutting their own toenails can become difficult or impossible for older folks due to aches and pains that prevent them from being as flexible as they once were. For some, weakened eyesight can make seeing their toenails harder than it used to be. 

At All Care Foot & Ankle Center, Dr. Michael Tran understands that your older lover one may need help with their foot care, as physical issues may prevent them from getting the job done on their own. In addition, people with diabetes may need regular appointments to check for small cuts and sores that can become infected. 

How often should you ask for the help of a specialist?

Toenails grow about two millimeters per month, so your loved one may need a trim every six to eight weeks. 

Alternatively, some people are comfortable with cutting the nails of their loved one (especially if there are no nail problems that make cutting more difficult) but choose to visit Dr. Tran if a foot or nail problem, such as an ingrown nail, develops. 

Diabetic foot care 

Due to the damage caused by high blood sugar levels, people with diabetes are at a higher risk of developing foot infections. In addition, diabetes can cause the loss of feeling in the feet. Therefore, if your loved one suffers from diabetes, they may not know they have a cut, especially if it’s difficult for them to look at the sides and bottoms of their feet and toes.

Even a scratch or blister on a foot or toe can become a serious problem for someone with diabetes. Having Dr. Tran trim their toenails is especially important, as it’s easy to accidentally cut a toe with nail clippers if they try to do their own nail care. 

Regular visits to Dr. Tran for special care of their feet and toenails ensures that your loved one isn’t at risk of developing an infection. If your loved one does have a wound, we can provide the proper care and follow-up visits to make sure it heals. 

Keeping blood sugar levels under control is critical to avoiding diabetic foot problems, including amputations. To prevent blood sugar spikes, limit foods that are high in simple carbohydrates, such as pastries, crackers, sweets, and soda, and follow the eating plan prescribed by your dietitian or diabetes specialist.

How a podiatrist can help 

In addition to checking for infections and trimming nails, Dr. Tran can provide advice on what shoes to wear and how to prevent potential foot complications associated with older age. 

Contact us to schedule an appointment to ensure your loved one maintains healthy feet and toes as they age. You can call one of our offices in Arlington or Dallas, Texas, or use the booking tool here on our website.

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