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How Custom Orthotics Can Help You Live a More Comfortable Life

Living with chronic foot pain can impact every aspect of your life, even making the simplest tasks seem impossible. But that doesn’t mean you have to stay sitting on the sidelines. 

Whether you have plantar fasciitis, pinched nerves, or flat feet, you can say goodbye to chronic foot pain with custom orthotics from AllCare Foot & Ankle Center. Keep reading to learn how our team uses these inserts to restore proper functionality in your feet and ankles, and can even benefit your knees, hips, and spine. 

How custom orthotics work

Orthotics are shoe inserts specially designed to restore balance and distribute pressure throughout your foot and ankle more evenly. While you can find several basic designs in shoe stores and supermarkets sold as over-the-counter “inserts,” custom-made orthotics are more effective and higher quality than off-the-shelf versions. 

Our foot orthotics come in many different materials, including plastic, gel, rubber, and foam. We make personalized recommendations for your foot orthotics based on the cause and severity of your foot pain. 

To make your custom orthotics, we take an impression of your foot with a plaster cast or a laser scan. Then, we send them to a medical lab where the orthotics are made. 

When to consider custom orthotics

We use our prescription medical devices to correct a wide range of biomechanical foot issues, including problems with how you stand, walk, or run. Our orthotics can also relieve foot pain related to medical conditions, like arthritis, diabetes, and plantar fasciitis. 

Here are just a few conditions that custom orthotics help with: 

Overall, the goal of custom orthotics is to relieve pain, reduce stress and strain, and improve the overall mechanics of your foot and ankle. They do this by aligning your foot and ankle into the most anatomically functional position. 

More simply put, think of custom orthotics as prescription eyeglasses for your feet. Wearing glasses helps correct abnormalities in your eyes and give you perfect vision. In a similar way, custom-made orthotics correct irregularities in your feet, resulting in improved, pain-free alignment.

Who can benefit from custom orthotics

You could benefit from custom foot orthotics if your misaligned tendons, ligaments, muscles, bones, or joints interfere with optimal functionality. They could also offer relief if you have chronic pain, discomfort, or fatigue in your lower leg and foot.  

Even physically active people who walk and run a lot can benefit from custom orthotics. And, if you wear orthotics made just for your feet and lifestyle, they can help prevent injury, while making your daily activities more comfortable. 

If you have chronic foot pain, our team can perform a thorough physical exam to review the mechanics of your foot and identify the source of your pain. 

To see if custom orthotics are right for you, call one of our offices in Arlington or Dallas, Texas, or book an appointment online.

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