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Foot Care for Seniors Part 2

The podiatrist professionals at AllCare Foot & Ankle Center in Dallas care about the state of your feet. Our foot treatments run the gamut from ankle sprains, warts, plantar fasciitis and bunions to more foot and ankle specialist care, such as diabetic foot care and foot care for seniors. In our last blog post, we offered up several tips for foot care for seniors. In this blog post, we’ll continue with our tips for seniors on how they can care for their feet as they age. Contact us today for a check-up!


Seniors need to be cognizant of their feet more so than others. Due to their frequent use, your feet change over time and as your body changes (if you gain weight for instance), your feet can be impacted even more. Your feet are the means by which you navigate in this world and as you age, you naturally lose mobility, strength, and function. However, with a great health and wellness program, you can slow the process of aging, which includes in your feet as well. When your feet are properly taken care of, you decrease the risk of falls and increase your overall quality of life. The foot doctors at AllCare Foot & Ankle Center will partner with you to keep you moving for life. Contact us today!

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