Common Causes of Stinky Feet

Smelly feet are easily one of the most embarrassing things to have to deal with, especially if you’re heading over to visit someone else’s house and have to worry about taking your shoes off. If you’re tired of having to deal with this issue, there are a few different ways that you can start working on ending this problem once and for all. The place that we suggest starting is finding out what the cause could be, and while this sounds easy, there are a few different reasons that your feet could be stinking up the place. Here are just a few of the most common reasons that smelly feet develop.
Sweaty Feet
When our body needs a way to cool down, it does so by producing sweat. Now, there are plenty of ways to counter this for let’s say, armpit sweat, but how do what in the world do you do about sweaty feet and why is it happening in the first place? Well, if you have excessively sweaty feet, then you have a common condition that is known as hyperhidrosis, which causes the soles of your feet to produce more sweat than normal. This can also be noted by frequently sweaty palms. This isn’t necessarily a problem that you need to visit a doctor for, but working with a podiatrist for this issue is something that could be extremely beneficial if you’re looking to stop the smelly feet issue.
As if it wasn’t bad enough, stress can contribute to sweaty feet too! This awful development of overworking or tough situations not only leads to breakouts, weight gain and migraines, but it can also make your feet stink. If you have recently encountered a situation that has you stressing more than usual, this could also be the reason that you are experiencing some stinky feet.
Poor Hygiene
This isn’t one of the easier problems to realize, but it is one of the most common issues that we find. Poor hygiene is easily one of the biggest contributors of stinky feet, and for a pretty straight forward reason. Feet are one of the most forgotten parts of the body when it comes to thorough and deep cleaning, and that can often lead to stinky feet. Before visiting a doctor, try spending a little extra time cleaning your feet so that you know that this isn’t a quick fix of an issue. Trying different foot creams after showering could also contribute to improving the smell of your feet.
If you’re not sure what it is that’s causing your stinky feet, then visiting a member of the team at Allcare Foot & Ankle is something that you can definitely consider, especially if you’ve made an active effort in improving your foot care and overall hygiene. Make sure to keep up with our blog posts where we will continue to visit common foot care issues that we work with. Make sure to visit us here in Dallas so that we can provide you with the treatment that you need.
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