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Common Causes of Chronic Foot and Ankle Pain

It’s easy to take advantage of our feet and ankles — we go through our days walking from place to place, running with the dog, going grocery shopping, or working out at the gym. But for anyone who is suffering from chronic foot or ankle pain, they are constantly thinking about their feet and the pain.

At AllCare Foot & Ankle Center, we strive to provide a level of treatment that goes above and beyond. If you are struggling with constant pain, either from an injury or an issue that has developed over time, our podiatrists utilize a range of treatment options in order to find relief from chronic pain. Don’t wait any longer to seek treatment! Learn more about some of the most common chronic foot and ankle conditions, and schedule an appointment for your local foot doctor.

Heel Pain

Plantar Fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis is an inflammation or irritation of a band of tissue that connects the heel to the toes. Treatment consists of foot and heel stretches and wearing shoes with proper support.


Heel spurs typically develop from wearing the wrong type of shoe, an unusual walk or posture, or from running. They are an abnormal growth on the bottom of the heel and are treated with shoes that have a shock-absorbing sole, orthotic inserts, heel pads, or physical therapy.

Heel Fracture

These usually occur during a fall or a car accident, causing your heel to shatter. Treatment options include a splint or cast, crutches, or if these methods aren’t successful, stem cell therapy or surgery may help.

Ball Pain


This can occur after running or jumping, or from wearing shoes that don’t fit correctly. It is an inflammation in the ball of the foot and is treated with proper footwear or shoe inserts.

Morton’s neuroma

A neuroma is a growth of nerves that typically develops between the third and fourth toes. It can cause pain or numbness in the ball of the foot. It can be treated with inserts, steroids or injections, or wearing proper shoes.


A form of tendinitis, sesamoiditis occurs when tendons that surround the sesamoid bones (near the big toe) become inflamed or injured. This can be treated with taping the big toe, wearing foot pads, or your podiatrist may recommend steroid injections.

Toe Pain


A form of arthritis, gout develops when crystals build up in the toe joints and cause pain and swelling.

Claw Toe

This develops from diabetes or alcoholism, when there is damage to the nerves in the foot. It causes the toe to be unable to straighten, but is instead pointing up or down.

Arch pain

Plantar fasciitis

This condition can affect the heel, arch, or both. Regardless of where the pain is, the treatment is the same.

Flat feet

Flat feet can develop as the arches of the feet flatten out from walking or standing. This condition is usually treated with shoe adjustments, inserts, or sometimes surgery is necessary.

Outer Edge Pain

The fifth metatarsal runs along the outside edge of the foot and is one of the bones most commonly broken. This can result in pain, swelling, and bruising, or chronic pain if treatment is not done correctly.

Other Foot Pain

Other conditions that can cause pain in all areas of the feet and even the body include neuropathy and tendinitis.


Commonly caused by diabetes, neuropathy, or nerve damage causes a burning or stinging feeling.


This can occur wherever there are tendons in the body, but develops when the tendons are irritated or inflamed.

Ankle Sprains

A fairly common injury, ankle sprains occur after a fall or when the ankle is twisted. When not properly treated, even simple ankle sprains can lead to chronic pain. Symptoms include swelling, tenderness, pain behind the ankle bone, or even pain that spreads into the foot. Treatment typically consists of medication, a cast or brace, or for more serious accidents, surgery may be necessary.

Whatever is causing your chronic foot and ankle pain, the important thing is to seek treatment as soon as possible. At AllCare Foot & Ankle Center, our podiatrists are passionate about helping each patient achieve the same quality of life as they had before the pain developed. If you were active in sports or other strenuous activities, we want to see you get back to it as quickly as possible. However, it is essential that treatment is done correctly and all instructions are followed exactly.

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