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5 Lifestyle Tips for Reduced Bunion Pain

5 Lifestyle Tips for Reduced Bunion Pain

If you’re one of the 100 million Americans with bunions and need solutions to relieve pain, you might want to take a second look at your lifestyle. Often, bunion pain increases because of lifestyle habits that we’re unaware of, and making changes now can preserve your long-term foot health.

At AllCare Foot & Ankle Center, Michael V. Tran, DPM and his team specialize in the nonsurgical treatment of painful bunions

What to know about bunions

Bunions are swollen bumps that develop on the edge of your big toe joint. They form when there’s a misalignment in the toe joint from daily wear and tear of your movements or abnormal walking patterns (gait).

As the bump on the side of your toe worsens, you may have limited movement in the joint, experience persistent pain, and eventually have difficulties wearing shoes.

Some people with bunions also develop other foot issues, including blisters, calluses, and corns. In severe cases, you might be at increased risk for hammertoe deformities.

Our team can recommend strategies you can use to find lasting bunion pain relief during your consultation. Nonsurgical treatments include:

If these strategies aren’t working well, our team can determine if you’re a candidate for Lapiplasty, a surgical procedure to realign the big toe joint. He can also surgically treat the root cause of the bunion, so you can enjoy lasting pain relief.

When you’re not ready for surgery, it may be worthwhile to try some lifestyle changes to protect your foot health and function.

Here are five lifestyle changes to consider making now if you have persistent bunion pain:

1. Wear wider shoes

Wearing shoes that are too narrow puts unnecessary pressure on your toes and increases your risk for bunions.

Avoid high heels and other tight shoes and opt for footwear with a wide toe box. Also, consider getting your feet measured to ensure a better fit.

2. Use ice packs

Keep an ice pack in your freezer and use it after long periods of standing on your feet or walking.

Apply the ice to the big toe joint and anywhere you feel tenderness, pain, or swelling. Leave the ice pack on your foot for 15 minutes and repeat several times a day to relieve bunion discomfort.

3. Tape your toes

When you notice your big toe joint is starting to bend sideways towards the other toes, it may be worthwhile to start taping.

You can tape the big toe to the second toe to protect its alignment. Be sure to change the tape regularly and don’t apply the tape too tightly to prevent circulation issues.

4. Address inflammation early

Taking over-the-counter ibuprofen can ease the inflammation and pain of a bunion. If you need stronger medications for pain relief, speak with our team about your options for pain management.

5. Engage in daily exercises

At- home exercises can reduce pain and prevent a bunion from worsening. You can do simple toe points and curls by flexing the appropriate muscles. 

If you’re facing bunion pain, call AllCare Foot & Ankle Center in Arlington and Dallas, Texas, today to schedule an evaluation or book an appointment online.

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