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4 Health Benefits of Routine Pedicures

4 Health Benefits of Routine Pedicures

A pedicure is a great way to pamper yourself, but if you think having your feet cared for is just for special occasions, think again. Pedicures offer plenty of advantages for your foot health and your overall wellness too.

At AllCare Foot & Ankle CenterMichael Tran, DPM, and his team offer comprehensive foot care for patients of all ages in Arlington and Dallas, Texas. Here’s what Dr. Tran wants you to know about the benefits of making pedicures a regular part of your routine.

1. Eliminates dead skin 

Dead skin makes your feet look and feel rough and worn, but it’s not just a cosmetic concern. Flaky skin provides areas where germs can hide, which means you could wind up with a fungal or skin infection. Regular pedicures support your skin’s natural cycle, getting rid of rough, flaky, scaly skin and revealing the healthy skin underneath. 

2. Keeps your skin supple and moisturized

Many people think pedicures just focus on your toenails. While keeping your nails healthy (and attractive) is certainly part of the pedicure experience, your provider will also take time to care for your skin. Most pedicures include a foot massage complete with moisturizers designed for tougher foot skin. 

Once the soak and nail care are complete, a deep foot massage allows the moisturizer to penetrate deeply, restoring your skin’s natural moisture and suppleness. Not only does that benefit the way your feet feel (to you and loved ones), but it also helps prevent calluses, rough spots, and cracked skin that can lead to sores and infections.

3. Improves circulation

Having your feet touched and massaged also stimulates circulation. Ample blood flow delivers necessary oxygen and nutrients that help keep your feet and nails healthy. 

If you have diabetes, those massages can be even more important. Why? Because diabetes can interfere with the circulation in your feet, dramatically increasing your risk of serious foot sores called ulcers. As part of your diabetic foot care routine, regular foot massages help promote circulation, potentially reducing that risk.

4. Self-care helps reduce stress

Stress is a major problem for many of us, thanks to what seems like ever-increasing demands on our time and energy. Over time, stress can take a big toll on both your emotional wellness and your physical health, so taking time to reduce stress is very important. 

Regular pedicures can help. Not only can pedicures be a very relaxing experience, helping decrease stress at the time of your treatment, but as part of your self-care routine, pedicures can contribute to your ability to manage stress better in the long term. 

When you take care of yourself, you feel more confident and capable, and that means you’re able to handle stress better too.

One thing to note: When you have a pedicure, make sure your provider doesn’t cut your nails too short or cut them into a rounded shape. Both increase your risk of ingrown toenails, which in turn can lead to serious infections. 

Instead, have them trim your nails straight across, using a file to eliminate any sharp corners. The American Podiatric Medical Association website offers more tips to help you get the most from your pedicures.

Make healthy feet a priority

Your feet support you all day long. Return the favor with regular foot care aimed at keeping your feet healthy at every age and stage of life. To learn more about the benefits of regular foot care, book an appointment by calling our office nearest you, or schedule an appointment online today.

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